The Great Orange Tip butterfly family is growing at Senvus Village | センバスビレッジで「ツマベニチョウ」の仲間が増えています
The butterflies that live in “tefu tefu House” are already laying eggs and the Great Orange Tip butterfly family is growing!
「tefu tefuハウス」で暮らすチョウたちは、すでに卵を産み、「ツマベニチョウ」の仲間が増えています!

Great Orange Tip Butterfly larvae – 「ツマベニチョウ」の幼虫
By the way, do you know why it is called “tefu tefu House”?
ところで、なぜ「tefu tefuハウス」と呼ばれているのか、ご存知でしょうか?
“Tefutefu” actually means butterfly in historical kana usage! The kanji for butterfly is 「蝶々」, which is now read us Chōchō.
Japanese language can be really interesting!