

Nakama Gajumaru Banyan | 中間ガジュマル

Around 13km from Yakushima Senvus Village, at Nakama Village, you can find the Nakama Gajumaru Banyan Tree, a Chinese Banyan tree thought to be around 500 years old. 
「屋久島センバスビレッジ」から約13 km離れた中間集落には、樹齢500年と言われる 「中間ガジュマル」 があります。
The Chinese Banyan tree extends its vines towards the ground and other trees to take root. 
In the case of the Nakama Gajumaru Banyan, its aerial roots extend across the road, forming a mysterious entrance or tunnel you can walk under.  
This giant Chinese Banyan tree adds up to the impressive atmosphere you can feel in Yakushima, so try to visit it if you get the chance! 