

Flor de Cera | サクララン

We received a message from one of our past volunteers, Mari from Argentina, saying that she had found one of the flowers posted in our blog in her garden! 
flor de cera.jpg
Her mom told her it was called “Flor de cera”, which means “wax flower” in Spanish. One of the other names of this plant in English is also wax plant and it’s widely known as “Hoya Carnosa”.  ^^ 
マリーのお母さんによると、スペイン語で 「ロウの花」 を意味する 、「Flor de cera」 という名前だそうです。この植物の英語の名前の1つは「ロウの植物」で、「サクララン(ホヤ)」 として広く知られています。^^
It’s amazing to see that we can find the same flower in Yakushima, or on the other side of the world, in a small garden in Argentina. We can experience cultural exchange and feel connected through plants and nature too. ^^ 
*If you want to know more about this plant, take a look at this old post: 